Thursday, May 17, 2007

If Only

I thought the movie was amazing. Love Hewitt was amazing and I loved watching her emotional scenes they were very moving. The movie inspired me in a weird way, it made me want to become an actress even more than before. I cried ... But overall the movie WAS GREAT! A+! Love Hewitt is so beautiful.



This was a movie I watched on 5/16.

I thought everyone in our class must have watched it.

It is really a good movie, because its contents teaches us a lots lessons.

Such as L-o-v-e, treasuring live , keeping and useing time well, etc.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

black rabbit

This was done by my hand!

It is very cute and beautiful, right?

Handicraft is something what I like to do when I am free.
Or I suddenly take it into my head to do something special.

I not only play volleyball but also do handicraft well.
It is what I want to prove to you.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

photo for the trip

taking a break!

In the mountain that 1500m tall

Look! something are over there!

lunch time~~

Monday, May 7, 2007

taking a trip

Last weekend, I took a trip to a aboriginal village in Nantou.
I went there with velleyball team(girls, boys, and old boys).

Although I have a important exam on Tuesday (tomorrow),
I still decided to play with them.

As soon as I got there, I felt my decision was right!
Because the enviroment was so great, people lived there was so kind and funny.
We ate boar, little rice wine, wild vagetable, and so on.
The food there was very fresh, so it was very delicious, too.

We also watched their cultural performance, and it was very spectacular!!!
Because there were "strong men" that danced for us.
I also danced on the stage, and that's a very special experience for me.

There are many interesting things, I will post it next time.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

English exam

I think I must muddle the exam.
I felt So sad!
Poor!! I have another subject exam to prepare.
Wake up! Alice!!
I trust you could do that!

the eyesight is said,"angry".

my best friend's birthday

this photo was taken at Forest Park of Daan.

April twenty-forth.
That day was my best friend's birthday, so I went to play and eat dinner with her.

After class, I took the bus and MRT to Taipei.
We met at 8:50p.m. at the cornor of NTNU.
The first place we went that was a noodle restaurant.
It was very delicious and worthy to eat it.

The next day, we had a relaxed time to take a walk.
We walked from NTNU to Forest Park of Daan.
That's not far, and it's a good place to relax when we get tired.
We both like the park so much!

Saturday, April 21, 2007

singing & running


Today, my friend and I went singing at 10:30a.m.
Why we could go singing so early?
Because we just had 1 class in the morning.
After 10 o'clock, we had free time, so we decided to sing.

At this time, we sung a lots old songs.
I felt funny when they were singing the old songs.
It sounded magical, right?
Old song....
I almost forget them!!

After singing, Piggy and I must go back to school because of
"running game of good man stare"
It made me feel so tired! But this was a special experience for me.
I think I would not forget it forever.